The abbreviations section is split into 3 parts:
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Herbaria
  3. Works transcribed followed by Short Bibliography

* abbreviations used on CNHS card index.
< less than
> more than
ab. abundant
BP Bridle path
BECR Botanical Exchange Club Report
BRC Biological Records Centre, Monks Wood
CAMBIENT Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Naturalists' Trust
CCHSB Cambridge County High School (Boys)
CCHSB notes Cambridge County High School (Boys) note book 1905-6.
CCB CC Babington
CFG Cambridgeshire Flora Group
CHSB Cambridge High School for Boys
CNHS Cambridge Natural History Society Card Index of Flowering Plants and Ferns. (In the Herbarium, Dept. Plant Sciences (Botany School), Cambridge
CNT Cambridgeshire Naturalists' Trust
CNT exc. Cambridgeshire Naturalists' Trust's Excursion Reports published in Nature in Cambridgeshire
CP colour print
CRO Cambridge Record Office, Cambridge
CS colour slide
Cttee Devil's Ditch Committee
CTW Clapham, Tutin and Warburg, Flora of the British Isles
CUB Library, Dept. Plant Sciences (Botany School), Cambridge
CUBG Cambridge University Botanic Garden (Entry Books)
CUL Cambridge University Library
CUP Cambridge University Press
CWT Cambridgeshire Wildlife Trust (formerly Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Naturalists' Trust, then Cambridgeshire Naturalists' Trust)
exc. excursion
FE Flora Europaea vols 1-5.
f., fide personal communication
LJ L Jenyns
JD J Downes
MS. manuscript
NBG The New Botanist's Guide, 1835
NCC Nature Conservancy Council, now English Nature
NCM Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, (now Centre of Ecology and Hydrology), Monks Wood.
n.c. no collector
n.d. no date
nr near
N D nondum descripta
n.l. no locality
Pop. map Population map
[R] Recorder database, NP Millar, Cambridge Flora Group.
RSV roadside verge
SRO Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich
TNNNS Transactions Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society
TSNS Transactions Suffolk Naturalists' Society
U3A Botany Group, University of the Third Age, Cambridge
US United States National Museum, Washington
WFS Wild Flower Society
WLPG WLP Garnons
WS W Skrimshire
WSRO West Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds